
Etsy Store is live!

As you may (or may not) already have noticed, the Etsy store is now live. Click on the ghost bunny to visit!


About Me

My name is Kayleigh Pritchard. I'm 24 years old but a big kid and huge geek, I love to immerse myself in another world, whether that be books, video games or the characters in the pages of my sketchbook. I also love to craft, and encourage everyone I love (and you!) to craft too. I crochet, sew, embroider, make jewellery, anything I can get my hands on! I occupy a large bedroom in my Mother's house (which I am currently decorating), in which a small alcove has become my studio, it will soon be aquamarine and adorned with inspirational images and trinkets. I hope to become a full time artist so I can save up to share a home with my lovely gentlemen, Rob. Life is good!